Plato He


A passionate software developer, over years learned/used, Assembly, FORTRAN, Basic, Pascal, C, C++, C#, Python, Ruby, Swift, Kotlin, Rust, Java, Javascript/Typescript, among others; currently focusing on mobile app and full stack development

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Most recent personal pojects

Awesome Ideas! (2022)
A collection of productivity tools, including bookmark management, notes taking, secret keeper - Let’s Get Things Done!

Astonishing Fireworks! (2021)
A collection of astonishing fireworks! - Just Enjoy It!

Marvelous ASCII! (2020)
A collection of marvelous ASCII, including Emotion Icon, FIGlet, Fancy Text, ASCIIfy Image, Glitch Text(Zalgo), Cow Say, and ASCII Art

Stunning Effects! (2020)
A collection of stunning visual effects, such as matrix rain, moving particles